The Met have announced plans to make 'rough sleeping' a crime in 6 London boroughs... Operation Encompass will be in effect in Camden, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark and Westminster, alongside Croydon....
We are opposed to this latest attack on Homeless people and will protest at City Hall to tell Boris Johnson and the GLA to call off this hideous campaign criminalising some of the most vulnerable people in our city... Already there have been arrests of people whose only crime is to be homeless due to the lack of Shelter spaces and suitable accomodation... We ask people to support our opposition by attending and circulating the information amongst their networks and groups... The biggest crime of all is the fact that people are homeless today.... London Assembly (Mayor's Question Time) Wednesday 26 February 2014 10.00 am - for info etc: beatonthestreet 07585973462 We also plan local actions in each of the boroughs affected... details to follow Facebook event:
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Protest today outside City hall for Mayor Question time, to challenge Boris' plans to make it a crime to sleep rough in 6 of london's wealthiest boroughs. despite the large facebook support - 550 people 'going' on the facebook event page, the gathering was substantially smaller, maybe 70 people max. Many were homeless people who slept outside city hall last night in protest before todays action. the gathering made up for lack of numbers in feeling, anger, determination and commitment to challenegng this attempt at social cleansing, all with a smile - though a threatening one. what makes someone happy? what makes someone living on the street happy? what makes an executive of a company happy? what makes an ambulance workier happy? what makes a policeman happy? what makes an audience member happy? Can people with different priorities be made happy by the same thing? Are there as many different causes of happiness as there are people? or are we all able to feel happy on a basic human level? what is the quickest, most accessible way to make someone happy? can a moment of joy in live performance unite people for a short time? can this have lasting effect? What are the ethical implications of performing a homeless person's story? How do I represent the story of a homeless person without exacerbating the trauma of that person? what does it mean to feel guilty when you see someone sleeping rough? what does it mean to ignore someone asking for change? what assumptions do you make about someone on the street? what does it mea to arrest someone for sleeping rough? who benefits from rough sleepers being put in jail? doesn't jailing the homeless make the Police's job harder? Doesn't it just exacerbate the suffering of people at the bottom? a friend of mine who volunteers with a homeless charity in brighton told me something the otherday which utterly horrified me. Some of the poeple he works with used to be on the streets in London. in the run up to the 2012 olympics, in an effort to clean up the streets, many homeless people were offered a £30 1 WAY ticket to Brighton. many took it.
there is very little in the way of homeless shelters in brighoton in as most have had to close due to lack of funding. there is huge numbers of people sleeping rough, there for a number of reasons. many with mental health issues, many more just with no where else to go. the amount of people sleeping rough has increased 4 fold since the tories came to power. this is an epidemic. and its a totally stopable. if only we'd stop giving money to private landlords and create affordable housing and shelter and support for those who need it. absolutely outrageous that the Met have annouced that sleeping rough will become a crime in 6 london boroughs (the wealthiest ones..suprise suprise) and croydon. As if in any possible way that is going to help those vulnerable people on the street. the lack of collaboration between the police, social services and HUGE cuts to welfare mean that there are so very few shelters to take rough sleepers at all. Who is going to benefit from this law? being put in the cells night after night isnt good for those rough sleepers, nor is it good for the police to spend their time doing so (and if you want to get all right wing rhetoric on it - it aint a good way to spend tax payers money). I shall be attending protest at City Hall on wednesday 26th Feb, 10 am, to let the GLA and Boris know that we are not going to let this sort of social cleansing take place..come too!
this is a link to good article. good to get that out.
I reckon that being homeless and being an egg share some strong similarities. an egg, like a human can make wonderful things. But its a very fragile existence. if dropped, they can crack and be left in a mess. we have thin shells, and need support of the fridge,the cooker, the frying pan, the spatula, the plate. Here, catch! |
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