REAL ESTATES was a six week multi-purpose project coordinated by art collective FUGITIVE IMAGES opening PEER up as a social, discursive and imaginative space around issues of housing and spatial justice in East London through a constantly changing series of exhibitions, screenings, discussions, readings and workshops.
* Focus E15 * WEEK 5* Week 5 was programmed and produced by Emer Mary Morris and Nina Scott on behalf of Focus E15, and reflected and built on a movement that demands SOCIAL HOUSING, NOT SOCIAL CLEANSING. The week was melting pot of ideas and events, including performances, exhibiting visual materials and films about the campaign, an eviction resistance workshop, open mic night, an intervention postcard project, verbatim audio recordings from Carpenter's Occupation, discussions and socials. A hugely active week celebrating resistance with contributions from artists, performers, academics, housing campaigners and community members. This was a jam packed week, see below REAL ESTATES blog for more and below on this page for details of the week's full programme. Programmed by Emer Mary Morris and Nina Scott on behalf of Focus E15 Campaign, in association with FUGITIVE IMAGES and PEER.